Why O&G Industries was Ready for a Video-Based Safety Program

As one of the Northeast’s leading providers of construction services and products that’s consistently ranked as one of the country’s top 400 construction companies for 50 years, O&G’s aggressive approach to safety ensures that everyone goes home safely. At O&G, safety is more than a slogan and starts from the top down. O&G’s senior executives have a firm commitment to ensuring the safety of everyone who touches the brand—whether it be a tradesperson working on a project site, a visitor to one of its quarries or a family that shares the road with one of its vehicles.

O&G is always looking for approaches to make its fleet the safest it can be. Understanding that a video-based safety program could widen O&G management’s field of view by providing the “driver’s perspective” of what is happening on the road and the challenging working conditions at job sites, it was time to take the next step.

“Our company operates at a fast pace. SmartDrive proved its ability to keep up—delivering insights within minutes, versus the days we waited with other solutions.”

TJ Oneglia, vice president, O&G Industries

Improvement in Safety Score
Reduction in Handheld Phone Use
Arbitration Win Rate

Why the SmartDrive Program is the Smart Choice for O&G Industries

Following a competitive assessment, O&G selected the SmartDrive program based on the platform’s ability to equip management with accurate operational and safety metrics related to collisions and incidents, robust video telematics data, and immediate offload and access to video. Because of the immediate positive results, O&G decided to end the pilot early, moving to roll-out within 30 days of starting the pilot.

“The SmartDrive program made an immediate impact on our fleet safety—identifying risky driving while also highlighting the many positive examples of our professional drivers avoiding dangerous, distracted or aggressive motorists. The ability to integrate to our back-up cameras extended our technology investment, making the decision to completely roll-out a no-brainer.”

TJ Oneglia, Vice President at O&G Industries

By delivering an integrated video view of driver performance, vehicle telematics and driving environment, the SmartDrive program provides a complete picture of safety and operational situations. Only the SmartDrive system delivers this level of insight. One of the unexpected outcomes of the pilot was a strengthening of the relationships between drivers, management and executives. With long-tenured driver employees, some of whom have spent their entire driving career with O&G, this level of cultural improvement was an unexpected and significant win for the company.

The SmartDrive system is the industry’s only multi-tiered video-based safety program that identifies unsafe driving with an extensible platform, integrating video, vehicle data, audio and driving data for a unified and comprehensive view of risk. SmartDrive 360 enables up to a four-camera view of the vehicle and insight to the most frequent causes of collisions—such as U-turns, backing, unintended lane changes, roll-overs and close following— delivering an unprecedented level of coverage and complete visibility to risk.

Maximizing the Value of their Investment

O&G attributes its rapid success with the program to the SmartDrive onboarding program and customer success teams. Leveraging the company’s experience rolling out video safety successfully, O&G began with engaging drivers well before installation. By addressing driver concerns about the technology early, O&G was able to separate fact from fiction. This set the foundation for the successful pilot. The pilot also demonstrated the value of a managed service program with a fair and consistent video review process conducted by driving experts. O&G leveraged the safety program, as well as the SmartDrive performance metrics and KPIs, as a core component of its new driver incentive program. These factors gave O&G the confidence to shorten the pilot from 90 days to 30 days and move to full roll-out across the fleet.

Learn More About Video-Based Safety for Your Fleet