Why O&G Industries was Ready for a Video-Based Safety Program
As one of the Northeast’s leading providers of construction services and products that’s consistently ranked as one of the country’s top 400 construction companies for 50 years, O&G’s aggressive approach to safety ensures that everyone goes home safely. At O&G, safety is more than a slogan and starts from the top down. O&G’s senior executives have a firm commitment to ensuring the safety of everyone who touches the brand—whether it be a tradesperson working on a project site, a visitor to one of its quarries or a family that shares the road with one of its vehicles.
O&G is always looking for approaches to make its fleet the safest it can be. Understanding that a video-based safety program could widen O&G management’s field of view by providing the “driver’s perspective” of what is happening on the road and the challenging working conditions at job sites, it was time to take the next step.
TJ Oneglia, vice president, O&G Industries